For tired and busy women who want more from life... more energy, more control over cravings, more brain clarity...and more confidence in their favourite clothes.


  • Starving Yourself and Relying on Willpower

  •  Forgetting Why You Walked into the Other Room

  • Spending Hours Doing Cardio

  • ​Being Too Tired To Live Your Life


  • Having All-Day Energy

  • Reducing Cravings Without Willpower

  • Losing Fat Without Counting Calories

  • ​Thinking More Clearly and Getting More Done

if you're a busy woman

You want to have all-day energy, to feel happy, to think clearly, to get rid of your cravings, to stop feeling hungry all the time. Maybe you also want to lose some belly fat along the way.

However, there are just a few problems right now:

  •  You’re tired most of the time and your cravings for sugar and bread are so intense that you can't think about anything else.

  •  Your family hates when you go on diets because they don’t want to eat the same foods, but it’s too hard to cook healthy food for yourself and “regular” food that everyone else will eat.

  •  You’ve tried lots of different diets in the past...they either didn't work, or the results didn't last. You feel stuck and frustrated and like nothing will work for you.

  • You're too tired and unmotivated to do anything about it (even though you desperately want to feel better)

If any of this had you nodding your head, thinking “yes, that’s me”—then read onbecause I’m so excited to share an opportunity with you.

I’m going to show you how, after trying and failing with so many different methods and fads, and feeling frustrated and worried that nothing will ever work for you, you can completely turn your health around.

So if you’ve ever felt “stuck”—or even “incapable”—because you feel like...
  •  You can't seem to stick to any kind of feel deprived and your cravings always win.

  •  It’s all too confusing and you don’t know where to begin.

  •  You can’t move forward because you are exhausted and tired. 

Then I’m ready to personally show you a brand new way to feel fantastic —starting TODAY. 

Listen. I know from my own experience (and from the experience of working with lots of other women) that there is a simpler way to get healthy and enjoy life again.


the change method banner

A Get-Healthy Program For Busy and Tired Women

… it's so much more than just weight loss. 

Whether you desire to:

  • Lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way so you can be healthier, happier and more energetic

  • Get rid of your cravings and stop thinking about food all the time

  • Think more clearly and get rid of the brain fog that slows you down 

  • ​Fit into clothes you haven’t worn in years so you can feel confident and sexy in your own skin


The CHANGE Method is called this because at its foundation, you will learn to CHANGE your relationship with food so that you can CHANGE your body and your mind. 

This method will take you by the hand, and lead you step-by-step to the weight loss, all-day energy, and confidence you’ve been yearning for… and the kind of lifestyle you know you deserve. 

A life where you get to do the things you’ve imagined…instead of being so exhausted all the time...
A life where you get to go out to dinner with friends and not obsess over what you’re going to order or what you’re “allowed” to eat… 
A life where you can think clearly and not forget why you walked into the other room when you get there...
A life where you can easily make healthy choices because you WANT to...not because you're denying yourself or fighting cravings all day long...

Just Imagine the Difference!

From Fat, Foggy and Fatigued to Confident & Sexy…

Even though it might not seem like it, it’s possible to change your relationship with food so that you can change your body, your mind...your life.

And, I’m going to you show you exactly how to make all of this happen for yourself... even if it feels intimidating, or “impossible” right now.

But first…

Let me tell you a little more about how I know this works, and WHY I do what I do.

My Journey

I have always been pretty good at keeping my weight in a healthy range, as long as I ate healthy food and exercised regularly...not too much but just enough.
In my 30s, I began to notice that I was mostly thinking about and eating CARBS. Like, all the time. I craved them. 
Of course, I craved sugary carbs sometimes, but also ‘healthy’ things like whole-wheat bread, crackers, and pasta. (I never seemed to crave kale or broccoli!)

I was taught in nutrition school that these whole-grain foods were good choices. Lots of nutrition and fibre. But the thing is, the cravings seemed out of control.

I was never satisfied. It seemed like I never felt full for more than 10 minutes.

As time went on, I noticed my weight started creeping up and I was getting thicker around the middle.
I swear some days I looked like I was 5 months pregnant!
I got really good at covering it up with the baggy clothes I wore, and invested in body slimming underwear. But I was really unhappy.

I HATED looking in the mirror, especially without my clothes on. I didn’t recognize or like this body anymore.


But it was more than just the belly fat….


I was exhausted most of the time. I barely had enough energy to get out of bed let alone get through the day. I lived on coffee. I had no motivation to do anything.

The brain fog was SUPER frustrating. I couldn’t remember anything...I’d stand in a room trying to remember why I went there...I started to worry that I’d forget important things like appointments or to pick my kids up after a soccer practise or something…




My mostly-healthy eating and cardio weren’t helping to keep my weight in check like they used to. So I cut back on what I was eating and did even more cardio. Nope...that wasn’t the answer.

Back then I thought… I need stronger willpower. Maybe if I just ignore the cravings...think about something else...they’ll go away.


I was miserable. Truly miserable. I felt gross, and I shamed myself because I wasn’t able to control my cravings.


I really didn’t want to feel like that anymore. I wasn’t happy. And my own disdain for my weight and my body was starting to really affect my quality of life.

Around that same time, I was getting a lot of questions from family, friends and clients about my opinion of the keto diet. My initial reaction was that it didn’t seem sustainable and I wondered how healthy it could be.

I decided to try eating KETO just for a couple of weeks, so that I had some experience to share with people, but also to see if I could do it in a healthy way (no processed foods, good quality meat, etc.).


I didn’t expect what happened next...I couldn’t believe the energy I had (after the first few days)!
And the brain fog and cravings went away!


I felt like a new person!


I felt fantastic! I continued with it because I felt so great, but I didn’t lose weight right away. After about a month I noticed that my clothes were getting looser and that belly fat was going away!!

But I still had that nagging feeling about how healthy this way of eating was.


I would basically eat my whole days worth of carbs in the big salad that i had for lunch...I don’t think anyone would disagree that leafy greens are among the healthiest of foods you can eat, so it didn’t sit well with me that I should restrict that.


So I played around with including more carbs, especially in the form of veggies, in my day to see if I could have more ‘freedom’ in what I chose to eat but still experience those amazing benefits with my weight, cravings, energy and brain fog.


And that’s when I started the journey that got me to where I am today, here with you, sharing my methodology with my clients so that they can skip over the years of trial and error and the struggle that I went through so they can just get their brain and body back.


That decision led to figuring out that what I had been doing for all of those years was almost completely wrong.


I’m so grateful that I made that decision to invest in myself, I would probably still be trying to do more and more cardio, and limit what I was eating and not getting anywhere.

This was my turning point.

After this, I realized I HAD to help others do the same.

So if you’re tired of researching and trying and failing and ending up in the same exact place....

I have something for you 🙂


Having a proven, step-by-step plan you can follow - regardless of your crazy busy schedule - can give you the confidence that this won’t be like the other attempts, that you’ll finally stick with it and create lasting change around your health and weight.


Plus, it allows you to skip over the trial and error, and staying stuck and unhappy with yourself for years.

A Holistic Health Program for Women Who Want More From Their Lives... Mor Energy, More Health, More Body-Confidence

  • ​You will become clear on mindset and food relationship issues that may have gotten in your way of progress in the past. 

  • ​You will develop strategies to change your relationship with food so you can make lasting changes in your body, your mind and your life.

  • ​ You will ease into metabolic hormone balancing eating, making simple changes at first, to help increase your energy, reduce cravings and get rid of brain fog. 

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  •  You'll choose your meal plans and learn how to eat in a way that fixes and supports your metabolism.

  • ​ You'll get more energy, more brain clarity and feel more confident in your clothes!

  •  In this section you will explore other lifestyle issues that might be slowing your progress such as poor sleep, stress, and lack of exercise.

  • ​You'll develop strategies to improve these areas so you can feel calmer and more in control, and continue to progress towards your goals.

  •  In this final phase, you will learn how to create your own hormone-balancing meals and how to customize the program for your unique needs. This is not a cookie-cutter program!

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Here’s Exactly What You Get When You Join The CHANGE Method


Change your relationship with food...change your life

The program is broken down into 12 main modules. Each module is designed to take a week, but you are encouraged to spend more time on any module that you like. 

There are also bonus materials to help make the most of your program!

All of the program materials, including videos, audio trainings, PDFs and worksheets are available inside the online CHANGE Method membership site and Facebook group. 


A step-by-step program with audio, video, PDF guides and worksheets to teach you how to eat in a high fat low carb way, focusing on delicious, whole foods that will reduce your cravings, give you more energy, improve your brain function and reduce your waistline. Valued at $500


Meal Plans

Several meal plans to choose from (use 1 or all) including recipes and shopping lists. You also get unlimited access to the Meal Garden platform and their mobile app so you always have your recipes and shopping lists with you. Valued at $300


Extra Recipe Collections

 You can swap out recipes if you like, and include some low carb sweet treats and snacks. Valued at $50


Access to the private Facebook Group

You have access to this group for 4 months. This is where you can ask questions, share your successes, see what others are up to, and feel support from other women who have goals just like you. This is your tribe. You will be accepted and understood here! Valued at $120


7 Day Better Breakfast Kickstart Challenge

Jumpstart your progress while you learn the basics of the Change Method and its effects on your hormones, brain health, fat loss, cravings and more. 
Valued at $150


Skills & Nutrition Information

This will serve you and your family for the rest of your life. 

Valued at $Priceless

Tremendous Value!

Total Value is over $1100

ACTUAL Price is only $549 CAD tax included

The System To Help You Create The Life You Deserve 

When you enroll in The CHANGE Method you’ll get LIFETIME access to the material on the membership site.

I’ve set up the program so that you learn and implement quickly.

You don’t need to “feel ready” to get started. You just need to start.

The CHANGE Method was made just for you, so you can jump-start your weight loss, all with a proven step-by-step plan and personalized support so you can learn as you go.

It's different from what you've tried before because we change your mindset and habits as well as the food. The accountability in the Facebook group and the weekly coaching help keep you on track, especially when you're having a moment of weakness that would have derailed your progress before. NOT THIS TIME!

Like I said earlier, you just need to start. Move forward, and continue to take imperfect action.


But, I do understand that making this kind of life-changing decision is a big deal. 


That’s why I want you to feel totally at ease when making this decision to join us in The CHANGE Method. I’ve done everything I possibly can to guarantee that when you follow the steps laid out for you in the program, you will make progress.

I can confidently say this because I’ve worked with lots of women who were just like you —but they have CHANGED their lives.


Getting up in the morning, walking to your closet to get dressed, and not having that sinking feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach when you go to put something on.

Now imagine this kind of thing happening every single day.

Imagine feeling the kind of confidence that comes with knowing that you fit back into your favourite clothes again.

Imagine finally being able to walk confidently out of your house, ready to tackle your day with fresh energy and a clear mind.
This can and will happen for you…
So don’t wait for another opportunity to shape your future. This is your chance!
I’m rooting for you, 



Is this a group program?

You can certainly work at your own pace but there will be others going through the program, at different stages, offering support and accountability in the Facebook Group and weekly group coaching.

How much time per week do I need to set aside to complete the program?

The program material will only take you ~1 hr or less per week to go through. 

I’m going to be out of town next month, will I fall too far behind? 

The program is laid out in 12 weeks, but it’s self-paced. So there is no such thing as “getting behind.” I also give you an extra 4 weeks in the Facebook Group and weekly coaching in case you choose to take a bit of extra time in any particular module.

Copyright 2020 Paulette Kydd, Registered Holistic Nutritionist | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service

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